Trump on the Jersey Shore


1562256135642 Trump on the Jersey ShoreBy Taylor Sterling

As we traveled to our annual vacation spot in Lavallette, New Jersey, my thoughts were on this historical upcoming election. We had just returned from a day at the beach, lovely, sunny, breezy, listening to the waves crash on the shore when suddenly, out of the silence, came horns blasting, people cheering for the enormous parade of cars and trucks with American flags and TRUMP IN 2024 flags waving in the wind attached to each truck and car. The bystanders were running onto the streets cheering them on. This went on for at least a half hour straight. What was interesting was the amount of people who appeared fearless in their decision to vote for Trump. So of course the ever curious one, moi, approached a few to inquire why.  The majority voiced their major concerns for safety in this country along with the fact that billions of their taxpayer dollars were being spent on millions of illegal migrants who entered our country sans ID of any kind and are responsible for the major uptick in crimes, including murder, robbery and assaults throughout the nation as well as people living on the streets. There are some states that have outlawed homelessness as the cities cannot handle it either monetarily and fear for their families well-being including bail reform which has caused a tremendous increase in crime while those in office are closing prisons, putting employees of those prisons out of work and abandoning all hope of a safe future. Major chain stores are forced to close due to the amount of smash and grab mobs, a majority being illegal migrants. The people have spoken or should I say, the voters have spoken. The consensus was everyone just wants their America back to where it was before Biden took office. They all declared him to be the worst President this country has ever seen. Between safety, the economy, and the dollars they felt that were being stolen from them plus the fact that the representatives they elected were not hearing their voices, they all agreed they would not vote for those elected officials at the next election. They all shared that they felt those elected officials have forgotten who pays for their lifestyles. Many expressed major concerns about the Democratic party consistently attempting to allow these illegal migrants to vote, even as the Supreme Court told them to read the Constitution which they are ignoring. It appears that the Democrats will be anything to be reelected even at the expense of the American citizens’ safety and taxpayer dollars. The crowd expressed their takeaway that the Democrats want to defy and destroy our US constitution. If you allow this, say goodbye to the America that was built with blood, sweat and tears by all of those who came before us, including our relatives and ancestors. This is no longer about voting the party line. The other issue that people expressed, and yes, many were democrats or so they said, was that the choice they were left with was a complete failure. A woman who has done nothing and said nothing for 4 years and was referred to as the Border Czar while on her watch millions of illegal migrants are now living in our country, some in hotels in NYC that we are paying top dollar while American citizens, some Veterans go without. They all begged for voters to do the same. I beg you to vote for your family, your friends, your business, your country. Look at what is best for all, not just for some. Think long term who will put this country back to safety first, crazy or not, there is only one choice in this time of a major transition, not only for our families and our Country, but for the world, as America is the prototype for the world. I stand with those who have their own voice, rely on their own decisions and are not swayed by the sheep mentality. THINK FOR YOURSELVES. This is the most important and critical and crucial time for this Country. PLEASE think before you cast your vote.  It will mean life or death to this Country!

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