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Keith Parsons
WVCSD BOE President

Dear Warwick Valley CSD Community,  Welcome to the 2024-25 school year!  

As summer comes to a close and we embark on a new school year, I want to take a moment to express my excitement for what lies ahead! The 2024-2025 school year promises to be filled with opportunities for growth, learning, and community connections.  I’m thrilled to welcome back our returning families and extend a warm welcome to those who are joining us for the first time. Together, we will make this school year one filled with excitement, discovery, and achievement. 

The Warwick Valley Central School District has been extremely successful over the past few years. We have set ourselves apart from all others by going above and beyond for each and every student, and we will continue to be a model district for the rest of the region. Warwick is a unique and great place to live, and that is due in large part to the dedication of its people, to both the school community and the community at large. As we navigate the upcoming school year, with the unique challenges and triumphs it will bring, let us keep in mind the importance of kindness, respect, and support within our community. 

Traditionally, summer is a busy time in the district as we prepare for the return of students and faculty in the fall; this summer was no exception. In addition to physical upgrades, we have had teachers working on enhancing our academic programs to ensure that every student has the tools they need to succeed. Our teachers are eager to dive into engaging lessons and foster a love for learning in every classroom.

We are also thrilled to kick off a wide array of fall sports. Whether you’re an athlete or a dedicated Warwick fan, there’s nothing quite like the energy and spirit that comes with cheering on the Wildcats. In addition to athletics, our art and music programs are ready to hit all the right notes this year, and our students will be gearing up for the myriad opportunities they will have to showcase their talents. As always, I invite you to attend as many of our arts and sporting events as you can, where you can see firsthand the impressive outcomes of our students’ hard work and learning.

Finally, we believe that education is a partnership between home and school, so we encourage and welcome open communication and collaboration as we work together to support our students’ growth. As always, we remain committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment where every student feels valued.

On behalf of the Board of Education, I would be remiss not to thank everyone for all of their hard work and dedication, not only this summer but throughout the school year. Our administration, faculty, building principals and associate principals, support staff, bus drivers, monitors, custodians, facilities staff, PTAs, and volunteers are the ones who strive to make each day and every year a success. My heartfelt thank you to our community, who continues to support our students and schools. 

Sincerely, Keith Parsons WVCSD BOE President


Dear Warwick Valley High School Families,

Georgianna Diopoulos, Principal

As we eagerly approach the start of the 2024-2025 school year, I would like to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to both our new and returning families to Warwick Valley High School. To our graduating class of 2024, I offer my heartfelt congratulations as you step into the next chapter of your lives. You will be missed! To my incoming class of 2028, welcome! We are so excited to have you join the high school. 

We stand at the threshold of an exciting journey ahead, and I am thrilled to embark on this High School experience alongside our exceptional students, dedicated parents, and committed staff. Together, we will explore, create, and grow, rediscovering the true essence of what it means to be a part of the Warwick Valley High School community.

With the start of this new school year, you have the opportunity to embrace not only a fresh start but also exciting learning opportunities. Approach each day with vigor so that you may discover something new about yourself and expand your own known world. Learn from where you may have taken a wrong path and embrace the learning that takes place through mistakes.

At Warwick Valley High School, our mission is centered around creating an environment where every student feels not only welcomed, but also connected—a place they can truly call ‘home.’ We believe in nurturing academic and social growth, encouraging each student to challenge themselves and discover their passions. Remember that we are here for you; in all situations, there is someone who will listen. Use the many resources that Warwick Valley High School has to offer. Our teachers care deeply about you and your learning and want to see you do well. Engage in intellectual conversations with them, and when you are struggling and can’t seem to figure out the right answer, talk to them and ask for clarification.

Our counselors are dedicated to helping students navigate the complexities of the high school journey and overcome academic and social challenges with care and understanding. They will help with everything from planning your future to navigating the complexities of being a high school student daily. We are committed to ensuring the success of all of our students and families. We are all part of our Warwick Valley High School family and as such, we all want to see you do well.

Throughout the summer, we have been hard at work, diligently preparing for our reopening. Our efforts have included refining our procedures, cleaning the building, and reimagining our curricula to meet the needs of our ever-changing student body. As we embark on this new school adventure, let us remember that change, though sometimes daunting, can also lead to something truly beautiful. I encourage each of you to embrace this change with open arms and find joy in the transformative process.

We are excited to welcome our students back to school on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. We are looking forward to a fun, exciting, and successful school year.

Fondly,  Georgianna Diopoulos, Principal


Dear Warwick Valley Middle School Families,

Jared Yapkowitz
Principal, Warwick Valley Middle

I hope you’ve enjoyed a delightful and rejuvenating summer, filled with memorable moments and experiences. As we eagerly anticipate the start of the 2024-2025 school year, we have been working hard to ensure a smooth and exciting return for our students at Warwick Valley Middle School.

Creating a thriving learning environment requires a strong foundation of trust, collaboration, and respect. I am committed to fostering these values as we begin this new school year. We take immense pride in our school’s achievements and are enthusiastic about the new opportunities and growth that lie ahead for all of our students. As Principal, my mission is to ensure that Warwick Valley Middle School remains a place where academic excellence is paired with character development, compassion, and creativity. We will continue to emphasize real-world experiences and project-based learning to enhance our students’ educational journey.

A successful school experience depends on a robust partnership between school and home. I encourage all parents and guardians to actively participate in school sponsored activities, attend PTA meetings, check the parent portal, engage in parent-teacher conferences, and review monthly communications from the school. Your involvement is crucial in creating an environment where every student feels supported, inspired, and motivated to reach their full potential.

Our dedication to your child’s education extends beyond traditional classroom learning. We strive to ignite a lifelong passion for learning through innovative teaching practices and by ensuring that all students embody the traits outlined in our Portrait of a Graduate. Our committed teachers are enthusiastic about fostering each student’s growth, and our counselors and psychologists are always available to support academic and personal challenges. As members of the Warwick Valley Middle School family, we are united in our mission to support and uplift every student.

As we prepare to welcome both returning and new students on Tuesday, September 3rd, we are excited for the new year and all the possibilities it holds. This year promises to be filled with opportunities for growth and achievement, and we look forward to embarking on this journey with you and your children.

Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to our school community. Together, let’s make this year exceptional and filled with success.

Wishing you a fantastic and rewarding school year!

Warmest regards, Jared Yapkowitz Principal, Warwick Valley Middle School


Bill Biniaris
Principal, Park Avenue Elementary School

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

Welcome to all returning and new Park Avenue students.  The entire faculty and I are eager to see our students on the first day of school, which is September 3, 2024.  Please note this year’s school hours will be 8:55 am to 3:35 pm.  

The return of our students and the arrival of a new school year is always filled with excitement. This feeling is generated by the return of daily routines and the knowledge that new adventures await all of us.  Surely students, whether they are returning or entering as kindergarten students, will make many new friends and discover lots of learning opportunities.  Needless to say, our teachers and staff have been diligently preparing to ensure a successful 2024-2025 school year.  

Many of you are already familiar with our district’s aspirational vision encapsulated by the Portrait of a Graduate. If not, I encourage you to visit our district website to read more about our priority goals for teaching and learning.  Elementary school is certainly where the rubber begins to meet the road and we are delighted to play a role in animating our students’ journey towards being lifelong learners.  I am positive that children thirst to learn and to be challenged. I also know that by working together as partners, we can support them along the way!   Here’s to a great 2024-2025 school year! 

I would like to invite all Park Avenue families to our PTA’s Ice Cream Social that will take place on August 30th from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Parents interested in dropping off school supplies can do so during this event.  Please make sure to label everything with your child’s name and class.  

I hope everyone enjoys the remainder of this summer.  We look forward to seeing you very soon.  

Sincerely,  Bill Biniaris  Principal, Park Avenue Elementary School 


Dear Sanfordville Families,

J.-Maraia-Headshot-2023 BACK-TO-SCHOOL
Johnna T. Maraia, Principal

Welcome to Sanfordville Elementary School for the 2024-2025 school year! As we look back on the fun times and the memories created this summer, my hope is that you are well rested and ready for a great school year! We are looking forward to having our students fill our hallways and classrooms with laughter and excitement on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.  School hours are 8:55 am-3:35 pm. 

 As we prepare for the opening of school, our faculty and staff continue to be committed to the well-being and safety of our students and the priorities which align with our district’s Portrait of a Graduate. We will focus on providing our students a rich literacy program, a rigorous curriculum, and exemplary instruction, while developing their skills as collaborators, communicators, innovators as well as global citizens who are resilient problem solvers for life! 

We will be all set for the doors to open as our custodians, maintenance and technology  departments, and the office team have worked diligently to get the building, grounds, schedules, supplies and resources ready and organized for the new school year. Thank you to all of our teams for a job well done. 

Your friends at Sanfordville would like to invite you to…

  • Students who are new to the district may attend a tour of SES on Monday, August 26th at 10:00 am.
  • Our “Meet Your Teacher” Open House on Friday, August 30th, 2024, between 2:00 and 3:00 pm. To meet your teacher and drop off your child’s supplies. 
  • Our PTA Ice Cream Social will also be held on Friday, August 30th from 2:00-4:00 pm on the Sanfordville Playground. 
  • SES Back to School Night #1 Grades K-2 on September 19th 6:00-K and PIE K , 6:30-Grade 1, 7:00-Grade 2 and PIE 1/2
  • SES Back to School Night #2 Grades 3-4 on September 25th 6:00-Grade 3, 6:30-Grade 4, 7:00 PIE 3/4

Class assignments and bus information can be found on the Parent Portal after August 23, 2024. 

Please check our website for important information, the school calendar, and for news around the district:  

Wishing everyone a great school year!  -Johnna T. Maraia, Principal




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