Artificial Intelligence Becomes Latest Tool in Battle Against Pot Holes


martucci Artificial Intelligence Becomes Latest Tool in Battle Against Pot HolesJames Golden is hoping to rebuild America’s roadways one mile at a time. Earlier this week, Golden focused on improving infrastructure in Orange County.  A renowned expert in the field of pavement management and a business consultant, Golden spoke at the Town of Montgomery Board Meeting about the role technology can play in improving the town’s roads. Golden’s company, Pavement Management Group (PMG) uses artificial intelligence systems and high-definition video to produce standardized, objective, and cost-effective roadway condition insights and analytics.  This data is then analyzed and a comprehensive road repair plan is developed.  Golden says reliable data on pavement conditions can do more than improve the ride—it can save money too. “Over the years, America’s local roadways have failed at an alarming rate,” said Golden, the CEO of PMG.  “Now, billions of dollars are being allocated to municipalities to improve roadways.  Local towns can now leverage that funding to improve roads for residents.” Golden was joined at the Montgomery meeting by former Town of Wallkill Supervisor and State Assemblyman Howard Mills, who is an investor and Partner of PMG.  Mills explained that the PMG Pavement Management Program (PMP) is a systemic approach to the annual maintenance and repair of roadway networks that helps public officials and public works professionals make data-driven decisions that maximize taxpayer dollars and improve roadways. “We provide recommendations for the maximized treatment for each segment of roadway along with accurate cost/budget projections,” Mills said.  “Our PMP is an extremely effective way to communicate with constituents and other stakeholders.   Roads are improved and taxpayer dollars are spent effectively.”

Town of Montgomery Highway Superintendent Shaun Meres said he has been very satisfied with PMG.

“I am a boots-on-the-ground type of guy, but this system helps you build a plan and save taxpayers money as well,” Meres said.  


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