


I don’t know if you’ve heard, but we won the fight to kill the MTA’s congestion pricing scheme! From day one, I have been clear that congestion pricing is flat-out theft while Orange County drivers have no viable public transit option to get into the city. I’ve been at the forefront of the fight to roll back this unjustified plan – including bringing a lawsuit to strike it down- so this week’s news is a welcome relief for us and our pocketbooks. 

For the teachers, firefighters, correction officers, sanitation workers, and every Orange County resident who drives into New York City for work, to see family, or go to the doctor’s office, this new plan was looming large – a new $15 toll – on top of $15 to cross the George Washington Bridge plus gas costs – for the “privilege” of driving into Manhattan. This announcement is a big win and a demonstration that while the work of government can at times feel frustrating, there is always a reason to continue the fight. 

There is work to be done on improving Orange County’s transit as well as air pollution all over New York, and I am supportive of those legislative conversations. I am gratified by this victory, but more than anything, I am glad to know that the hard-earned money of my constituents will stay right where it belongs – in their pockets.

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