A Tribute to My Daddy- On Father’s Day- Everyday!


1562256135642 A Tribute to My Daddy- On Father’s Day- Everyday!By Taylor Sterling

Like most war veterans, my father did not share much about his combat experiences. But as a father, he gave in to his only daughter’s constant urging to “tell me about the war, Daddy.” The only sign that he had been a soldier was evidenced by a framed set of military badges and medals that he had hidden in a drawer and only shared when I begged him. He was a “girl dad” although my brother would disagree. He made everyone he loved feel like they were #1 in his heart. I carried his Purple Heart in my pocket for many years and at one point, not too long ago, I could not locate it and I was frantic. When I finally rescued it, I decided to place it on his folded flag (see photo) that was given to me by the soldiers at his military internment. I broke down then and did again at Senator Bill Larkin’s funeral when they handed his incredible wife, Pat Larkin, his folded flag. I cajoled him into telling me one story and after hearing it I wished he had not shared it.  At that time, he was a Tank Sargent in the European Theater (my daddy was quite a bit older than my mom when they married). Till this day I cannot bring myself to retell the story, it was so horrific. When he met my mother and they married, their dear friends were moving to Las Vegas so off we went. There he became a Deputy Sheriff, protecting and serving others was in his nature. He was so involved in everything my brother and I participated in, before it was fashionable, and he had a heart of gold. He helped so many young people who came to make their fortune and realized that the only one who wins are the casinos. He would get them jobs and have them stay at our home until they made enough to buy a ticket home. Actually, my mother and grandparents were all from the same fabric. I had a charmed childhood surrounded by loving, passionate and a very humorous and politically charged family. We were never alone, and we loved it! We enjoyed being together more than spending time out of the family. I miss my daddy, mom and grandparents and my brother, more than words could ever convey. Tears too large to see in the human eye. I will say he was a die-hard Brooklyn Dodger fan and never forgave them for moving to California. We made cross country trips each summer to upstate New York where we had a summer home. Dad was a tough war veteran, and I would not have ever wanted to meet him on his job. However at home, he never once raised his voice or hand yet the respect and love he had for his family and vice versa permeated our lives. My daddy’s quiet heroism did not end with the war. He served honorably as Deputy Sheriff,  and was a model husband and father until his death But his heroism took more modest forms than those of the brave, he was 18 at the time he enlisted to protect his country. He is always in my heart and mind and leads my way in life. I am so thankful for the time I had with him then and the time I spend with him now in spirit. Eternally my hero!

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