
By Taylor Sterling

Talk about covering diverse events. I began at a Press Conference with Sheriff Paul Arteta where they discussed numerous agencies that had conducted a six-month long investigation which was a joint multi-jurisdictional narcotics and firearms trafficking operation. The complex investigation uncovered illegal narcotics distribution organizations and an independent illegal firearms distribution organization, both tracing back to the same source, a food truck in the City of Newburgh operated by Kirkland Salmon. This overall investigation to date led to the recovery of 31 firearms, including handguns- with one being a “ghost gun,” an assault rifle, and several long guns, over 11-1/2  kilos of Cocaine, over 90 grams of Fentanyl, 11 vehicles, including one food truck and approximately $45,000 in US currency. 

From there I did a 360 when I arrived at Thomas Bull Memorial Park where Ann Marie Maglione, Director for the Orange County Office of the Aging (OFA) hosted their 12th Annual National Health and Fitness Day in Montgomery. Over 500 older adults and 45 vendors came to participate. The weather was perfect, sunny, in the low 70’s with a pleasant breeze. The OFA kitchen, and Shop Rite hosted a delicious, nutritious lunch. The day was filled with activities including a wellness fair, health screenings, fitness activities, dancing, music, education, one-mile walk, gardening, healthy cooking class, raffles, smiles, laughter, and new friends!  Ms. Maglione said, “This is one of my favorite events, it provides a myriad of services. Everything that one needs to know to remain healthy and active. The day also helps with loneliness and isolation. When you come to the Health and Fitness Day, you will leave with a wealth of knowledge, new-found friendships, and a positive attitude.“ As did also greeting the seniors was our Orange County Executive, Steven Neuhaus, Orange County Commissioner of Emergency Services, Pete Cirigliano and Orange County Clerk, Kelly Eskew were also greeting and chatting with all the attendees. All in all, it was a perfect day for Orange County. I left Sheriff Arteta’s Press Conference feeling safer and more secure and when I drove out of Thomas Bull Memorial Park I smiled seeing how happy, well cared for our seniors are living in this amazing County.   

Then on Sunday I attended a Car Show again at Thomas Bull. How fortunate we are to have this amazing park for so many activities and events. There was a non-profit in attendance sharing a story that would break your heart. A beautiful young woman who was a savant regarding sports cars and real estate was killed in a car accident a few years ago and her amazing family had set up a foundation in her name -TIARA BRIANNA who at the young age of 22 was among many things: a best friend, sister, daughter, coworker, mom of 2 cats (adopted from Warwick Valley Humane Society), but mostly a giver. She held passions for animals, modeling, the arts, real estate and the automotive industry. Most importantly, she held a passion for life and spending time with those she loved. She gave her all into everything she did. She woke up every morning determined to have a good day and make the most out of it. She inspired and left a positive mark on everyone who had the privilege of getting to know her.  Her dream one day was to open an all women’s car rally where women can take the wheel while feeling safe and secure in their ability to drive and become an important member of the community. You can help us keep her dream and spirit alive by visiting TiaraBrianaFoundation.com.