
Frank-Truatt-By Frank “Smokin” Truat
In the 1970’s, my friends and I were into technology. I had this newfangled device called a calculator that performed all my simple math calculations in a flash. It even did square roots and a cool thing called a factorial where it multiplied all whole numbers from a chosen number down to one. The factorial or four was four times three times two times one. The coolest thing was when I punched in factorial 69 (the highest number that would work), it took about three seconds for the amount to show up on the led screen! It seemed human, like it had to figure out the correct answer! Of course, that calculator cost $ 150 dollars in 1972. Home computers were still years away, as were flat screen televisions and microwave ovens. The hot technology of the day was the home stereo system. You could buy separate components to upgrade your system and the choice was pretty much endless. Major companies from Japan, Germany and the Unites States all competed for our US dollar. Most people like myself bought a component system, that is, the amplifier, preamplifier and radio tuner were built into one unit. With lots to choose from, it all came down to the power output and specs of reproduction of the true sound. The more you spent, the better the quality of sound reproduction that came out of your system. A good quality turntable was then connected to your amplifier. The cartridge on that turntable along with that diamond tip needle made your records sound great! You also needed a good set of speakers to bring all that technol0gy to your ears. Once again, the choice was vast. Everyone had their favorites, and it was like buying a television set back in the day. You had to hear and see the demonstration at the dealer to make your mind up. It was exciting, and for years your system could be upgraded and added to when you had the extra cash. Great component systems also included an equalizer, some kind of tape deck as well as other sound processing equipment. Was the sound better than what we hear today from a television or  from Alexa? You bet! We were proud of our choice of stereo equipment and listened every day because music was a much bigger part of our life back then, or, was it that the music was that much better back in the day? There I go, dating myself again! The music was much better  in those days, an understatement!