We all have a duty to support our veterans—in our communities and throughout New York and the country. I have been glad to see bills signed into law that would directly benefit New York veterans. One of those was the expansion of Operation Recognition, which provides high school diplomas to those who left school early in order to serve. Previously the program covered WWII, Vietnam War, and Korean War veterans. After the bill was signed into law in 2019, the program was expanded to cover all veterans from all conflicts.
Late last year, another one of my bills, S.8067, was signed into law, and has just now gone into effect. Starting this month, New York veterans and Gold Star families will be provided free entry to all New York State parks.
I felt strongly that the Lifetime Liberty Pass program should be expanded to include all those New Yorkers who have sacrificed for our country. This means:
-Free entry to State Parks
-Free greens fees at State Park-operated golf courses
-Free swimming pool entrance at State Park-operated pools
-Discounted campsite and cabin rentals at State Parks and DEC-Operated campgrounds
Spring is here, the trees are starting to bloom, and I hope everyone can have a chance to experience the peace and beauty of our state parks this season. There are some sacrifices that can never be repaid, but every step toward gratitude and appreciation for veterans and their