Traffic accidents have been on the rise in recent years, especially motorcycle accidents. Statistics show that most accidents are preventable. In Orange County alone there were 13 motorcycle deaths in 2023. As of today, our county has had five motorcycle fatalities this year.
This is unacceptable. As warmer weather arrives, law enforcement has increased concerns that 2024 will bring an alarming number of motorcycle fatalities.
Orange County Sheriff Paul Arteta states, “I’m fearful with the conditions of our roadways and the increase in motorcycle operators, we may, unfortunately, have our worst year yet in motorcycle crashes. As a rider myself, I want to ensure we all do our part to make our roadways safer.”
The New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee offers programs and resources geared toward Motorcycle Safety and Awareness. They provide specific tips and training to motorcyclists and other motorists on the roadways that could save lives.
Sheriff Arteta is dedicated to working closely with Commissioner of Emergency Services Peter Cirigliano, the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee, and Orange County STOP DWI-traffic safety to educate the public, reduce crashes, and provide necessary enforcement on Orange County roadways. In the coming weeks, the Sheriff’s Office will work with the New York State Police and our local police to increase safety on our roadways, with an immediate goal of reducing the number of preventable vehicle and motorcycle-related fatalities in Orange County.
Motorists can find more helpful information at: