Mayor Harter: Swim Registration Open

Local News News & Updates

Hello Florida,

With June here and school coming to a close, many of you are looking forward to the return of our Village of Florida summer recreational opportunities for your children to enjoy. For those of you who are unaware, the 2021 swim registration is currently ongoing and classes will begin Mon., June 28. 

To enroll your children in this five-week program, registration forms can be filled out and the fee paid at Village Hall. One of the big changes this year is parents cannot stay in the pool area, you can only do pick up and drop off. This is, of course, a Covid-related requirement and we apologize for the inconvenience. 

As for our general recreation program we are planning for it to run from Mon., June 28 until Fri., August 6. Trustee Olejniczak is very involved setting up the programs to the extent that NYSDOH guidelines will permit. The state tends to be very reluctant to make a decision until the last minute which of course causes a chain reaction to our program plans. We must abide by these rules as a municipality to run the program this year as we transition out of this pandemic and return to normalcy.  Registration information will be released as soon as possible via Facebook and the village website, Stay tuned.

Mayor-Harter_2-233x300 Mayor Harter: Swim Registration Open