Mayor Dwyer: Flag Football in Greenwood Lake

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This Saturday, June 19, members of the West Point Football team, including team Captain Sandon McCoy and others, will host an exhibition flag football game with kids in Greenwood Lake. The game, being held at Winstanley Park (next to CVS) will take place at 1 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Village of Greenwood Lake, the Community Coalition Against Drugs and Alcohol, and is being organized by Village Attorney and West Point graduate John Buckheit. 

The game will be followed by a BBQ under the pavilion sponsored by the West Point Chapter of A.U.S.A. All kids from the community are invited to attend the game. Preferred ages for playing the game will be between 10 and 14 years old. We hope to inspire local kids by showing what hard work, determination, and love of our country looks-like, demonstrated by bringing outstanding role models from one of the most prestigious institutions in the world. 

Mayor-Column-Pic_Dwyer-web-232x300 Mayor Dwyer: Flag Football in Greenwood Lake