The New York State Comptroller, Thomas DiNapoli set the Tax Cap for 2021-22 at 1.31%. As defined by law the allowable levy growth is the lesser of the 2% law or the CPI, the index of the rate of inflation.
I am pleased to report we have remained within the Tax Cap for this coming fiscal year. In fact, the Village has maintained the Tax Cap levels since its inception except for fiscal year 2019-20 due to the costs associated with the ongoing Wastewater Treatment Plant Project. The Sewer Land Tax continues to help us save funds needed for the plant upgrade which has an estimated cost of $12 million dollars. The Village has received a $3 million dollar grant from the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC). The Sewer Land Tax collected over the years will be used to repay the anticipated 15-year bond from the EFC.
There will be no Water Land Tax collected for the Water Fund – all Land Taxes will go to the Sewer Plant Improvements.
Budget Highlights
Within the budget are funds for the following equipment purchases and projects.
- At Village Hall we will continue our first and second floor security upgrades.
- At the Central Garage, the purchase of a new generator and new air compressor.
- Under the title of Special Items are consultant fees for the Villages Comprehensive Plan.
- Streets/Roads: Purchase of a new chipper and new asphalt roller. We received $170,528.57 through CHIPS, PaveNY and Extreme Winter Recovery
- Parks: New and replacement cameras in Stanley-Deming Park, repairs at the over 35 field in Memorial Park, new code blue unit at Stanley-Deming Playground, and paving of Memorial Park Drive.
- Storm Sewers: Maple Avenue trash rack replacement.
- Water Fund Projects: Well #3 construction, generators for Galloway and Hilltop Pump Stations SCADA systems for Southern Lane and Hilltop Pump Stations
- Sewer Fund Projects: $12 Million Dollar rehab and upgrade of the West Water Treatment Plant.
- Grant Applications: We have seven grants that we are anticipating reimbursement in the total amount of $247,162. We are in the process of multiple new grant applications for infrastructure projects.
There will be no increase in Sewer Usage Rates and an 8% increase in Water Usage Rates. This of course is a brief summary. The complete tentative budget is available on the Village of Warwick website at The summation of a budget that defines a healthy community is the continuation of critical infrastructure projects and uninterrupted daily operations as well as the important assurance of public safety and cultural and recreational amenities. Thank you to Village Treasurer, Sadie Becker, Village Accountant, Michael Vernieri, the Village Board of Trustees, and all department heads who helped form and establish a fiscally responsible and on time budget for the coming year.