Driving or walking the highways and byways of our Town and Villages at this time of year we are generally in awe of the beauty of our country’s roads and neighborhoods. On closer inspection, we find too often the flotsam and jetsam of life left there by neglect. One always needs to pause at this moment and wonder how a fast-food wrapper makes its way to East Ridge Rd. or a tire on Onderdonck? This is the moment we all feel a sad reckoning about our fellow man and the complete lack of love, concern, or responsibility to our shared places – the thoughtlessness is anger provoking to say the least. Time to act my friends!
The Warwick Valley Chamber of Commerce will be hosting Project Clean Sweep this year beginning Apr. 20 until Apr. 28. Individuals, families, and organizations can make a significant difference and help restore our beautiful country roads or Village streets. The project is town-wide and includes all three Villages and twenty Hamlets!
Please take a moment to register your street, by doing so it will ensure that the garbage will be picked up by the DPW at the end of the event. Go to the Chamber’s Facebook page for information and to register. Bags and safety vests are available, the vests are on loan and will have to be returned. This is a great opportunity to have an impact on your community.
The project includes a paper shredding event sponsored by the Warwick Lions Club and there will be a prescription pill drop-off as well. As the event gets closer, I will pass on more information. So, Warwick, let us roll up our sleeves, pitch in and make a difference to our treasured country-side and beautiful Villages.
For more information on this event and other community activities tune in to WTBQ radio, 93.5 FM, Chamber Topics with Chamber Director Michael Johndrow on Mondays at 12:30 p.m. or Village Life with myself and co-host Mary Collura on Thursdays at 11 a.m.