Mayor Harter: Take Time to Reflect on Earth Day

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Hello Florida,

  Earth day 2021 is this Thursday and every year I like to look back and see what is the most pressing issue locally that we can make a difference on for our environment. The saying, “Leave no trace,” is relevant now more than ever as we, human beings have been outside more in the last year than many of us have in a long time. 

As I walk along the shoreline of Glenmere Lake or down the road towards the Village our “traces” are quite prevalent. PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) among other trash has been discarded with great abundance during the pandemic and is showing up everywhere. 

Gloves, masks and sanitizing wipes need to be discarded properly so that they do not end up floating in our reservoir or laying on the side of the road. We all need to do our part in being good stewards of the open spaces we have left to enjoy in our area. This Earth Day I urge everyone to not just pick up after yourself but others as well.

Mayor-Harter_2-233x300 Mayor Harter: Take Time to Reflect on Earth Day