Lecture on Civil Rights In the 20th Century

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Attend a virtual program on Sun., Apr. 11 at 2 p.m. with Town of Warwick Historian Dr. Richard Hull and Village of Warwick Historian Ivy Tulin as they continue their examination of the struggle for equality, Civil Rights, and reckoning with racism. 

Discussing the period from the Great Migration, when African-Americans immigrated from the rural south to the north and west, to present day, the lecture will include a look at the impact that Civil Rights has on democracy and modern-day society.

  Call the Warwick Historical Society at 986-3236 or email info@whsny.org to register for this virtual lecture and receive the link to attend online.

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Photo provided

Town of Warwick Historian Dr. Richard Hull (left) & Village of Warwick Historian Ivy Tulin will be presenting a virtual lecture on Sun., Apr. 11 hosted by the Warwick Historical Society.