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More vaccines are making their way to our region, and the age has been lowered to 60 years or older. There are many ways to sign up, but I believe the first sign up should be with Orange County at the website because the County is focused on helping our most vulnerable citizens. You can also sign up directly through NYS,, under “Am I Eligible”. FEMA will be opening a site at SUNY Orange in Middletown but no timeframe has been issued yet. Our Dial-A-Bus will continue to bring residents to areas we service for vaccine appointments. Call 986-2877 for details. Numbers of positive cases continue to fall here in Warwick which indicates our residents are doing their part by wearing masks, washing their hands and keeping their distance.
With the approach of spring our parks are starting to come alive as our parks crew works to get them in shape. We are blessed with so many beautiful parks that give our residents an opportunity to safely spend time with their friends and families. For a list of parks, please visit
The AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Program and Hudson Valley CA$H Coalition offers free tax preparation assistance to low to moderate income individuals, families and seniors. Due to COVID-19, the Tax-Aide program Tax Preparation Service has been modified for the 2021 season. There are two options available – Tax Site Service and No Contact Service. Call United Way’s Help Line, 2-1-1, or 1(800) 899-1479 for more information. Calls are accepted seven days a week, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. In addition, there are online sites for free tax preparation. See: and
The next regular meeting of the Town Board will be held on Thurs., Mar. 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the Warwick Town Hall, 132 Kings Highway. Meeting can be viewed live on the Town of Warwick YouTube channel.