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Supervisor Sweeton: Free Tax Preparation Available

Local News News & Updates

For Town information log on to www.townofwarwick.org  or tune to Cablevision Municipal Channel 21.

While winter has not left us yet the temperature swings increase the appearance of potholes, and until the hot asphalt plants open we are resigned to using the less effective cold patch mix. This is only temporary but in the short run can be effective. Please call our DPW at 986-3358 if you spot a pothole, and our crews will respond quickly.  We will also begin sweeping our neighborhoods and intersections to remove the road grit that builds up over the winter.  

Please remember there is a pill drop box in the lobby of our police station for you to safely dispose of any old medications and drugs. The police lobby is open 24 hours a day and is located to the left and down the driveway from the front of Town Hall.  

I urge any resident who is seeking a vaccine to sign on to the www.orangecountygov.com website under COVID. They are working to get you the vaccine close to home. 

The AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Program and Hudson Valley CA$H Coalition offers free tax preparation assistance to low to moderate income individuals, families and seniors. Due to COVID-19, the Tax-Aide program Tax Preparation Service has been modified for the 2021 season. There are two options available – Tax Site Service and No Contact Service. Call United Way’s Help Line, 2-1-1 or 1(800) 899-1479 for more information. Calls are accepted seven days a week, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.  In addition, there are online sites for free tax preparation. See: https://apps.irs.gov/app/freeFile/ and https://www.myfreetaxes.com/.  

The next regular meeting of the Town Board will be held on Thurs., Mar. 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the Warwick Town Hall, 132 Kings Highway. The meeting can be viewed live on the Town of Warwick YouTube channel. 

sweeton-pic-web-236x300 Supervisor Sweeton: Free Tax Preparation Available