Veterans Receive Valentine Cards

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Photo_VFW-Post-4662-members-300x225 Veterans Receive Valentine Cards
Photo courtesy of Ed Bailey

Warwick VFW Post 4662 was presented with Valentine cards & gifts from the seventh & eighth grade students from the Warwick Middle School. Many thanks to Secondary Associate Principal Jared Yapkowitz for these thoughtful gifts. Pictured (seated, from left) are: VFW members Ralph Leonard, Evarist Le May, Donald P. Grenier & Carmine Garritano.

Photo_VFW-Post-4662-members_2-225x300 Veterans Receive Valentine Cards
Photo courtesy of Ed Bailey

Warwick VFW Post 4662 was presented with Valentine cards & two loaves of banana bread which were given to Post members by the residents of Mt. Alverno. The banana bread was made by Recreational Aide Georgette Storms with bananas provided by some of the residents. Pictured (seated, from left) are: Post members Carmine Garritano & Ralph Leonard.