Mayor Harter: Annual Village Election Coming Up

Local News News & Updates

Greetings from the Village of Florida! Please be aware that DPW workers will be out doing sewer flushings throughout this week and next week. Please also be cautious of the DPW early in the morning when they are doing garbage. Let’s all drive safely and cautiously. 

Our annually Village tax grievance night will be held on Tues., Feb.16, from 4 to 8 p.m. The applications are available online at 

Our annual Village election will be held on Tues., Mar. 16, from 12 to 9 p.m. at the Senior Citizens Center, located on Cohen Circle. Please remember to social distance and wear a mask. Hope everyone has a great Week!

Mayor-Harter_2-233x300 Mayor Harter: Annual Village Election Coming Up