Mayor Harter: Be Wary of Car Break-ins

News & Updates

Hello Florida,

    I hope everyone had a great Christmas and are all looking forward to a great new year! Christmas eve came with quite a storm through the village bringing with it heavy rain and high winds that brought down trees in throughout Florida. I wanted to thank the DPW for again doing a great job cleaning up after the storm.  Don’t forget that this Thursday the DPW will be collecting recyclables in the village as Friday is a holiday this week. Please do not put recyclables out until Wednesday night.

    The Village recently had a string of car break-ins that is unsettling to say the least. We are not alone as this has happened around us in our neighboring municipalities as well. The Florida PD is asking for your help in apprehending these criminals. If you see anything unusual within the village, have footage from a ring camera or any other recording security devices that could be helpful in breaking this case please contact Officer Carr at 651-7800. 

    I hope you all have a great week and Happy New Year everyone!

Mayor-Harter_2-233x300 Mayor Harter: Be Wary of Car Break-ins