Mayor Dwyer: Halloween Activities in the Village

News & Updates

As Halloween approaches, many may be considering their options for the weekend. As it stands now, the Village of Greenwood Lake is NOT discouraging trick or treating. However, we are encouraging that it be done safely and with some more care than is commonly practiced. Much of this care should be done by those passing out candy from their homes to the trick or treaters. If you are feeling ill or unwell, you should NOT distribute candy from your home. If you do feel well and will be distributing candy, please be considerate and carefully wash your hands prior to preparing and distributing candy. In most cases, leaving a bowl of candy by the door should suffice. 

To preserve some level of normalcy, the GWL Boy Scout Troop 121 is running a “Drive-Thru Terror Trail” on Sat., Oct. 31 from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Vine St. (in front of Dog Park). Cars interested in participating will enter from Jersey Ave. on Vine St. and will exit from Chestnut/Elks Dr. onto Windermere Ave. A $10 donation will go to supporting the Scout troop.

In other exciting Halloween Activity news, the Headless Horseman and Grim Reaper will be riding down Windermere Ave. on Fri., Oct. 30 at 5 p.m. Park downtown to get a glimpse of the amazing display. I would like to thank the folks at the Corinthian Equestrian Center for donating their time over this month and putting on this fun and exciting performance for our residents. 

Mayor-Column-Pic_Dwyer-web-232x300 Mayor Dwyer: Halloween Activities in the Village