Ten-Minute Play Festival Presented Via Zoom

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  PEP Productions, in association with Diamond Grade Media, with support from the Orange County Arts Council and sponsorship from the New York State Council on the Arts, announces the Fourth Annual Ten-Minute Play Festival. It will be presented live via Zoom on Fri., Aug. 7 and Sat., Aug. 8 at 7 p.m. 

  Over 100 playwrights submitted works, including entrants from New Zealand, Canada and throughout the United States. A distinguished judging committee consisting of theater professionals including Erin Woodward, Rick Overton, Alexander Kanter, and Suzanne Appel, selected plays that show originality and style. The sixteen winning plays are being presented via Zoom. By offering eight different plays on Friday and Saturday; the Festival is able to offer many roles to local actors and directors from Orange County. 

  Registration for this event is available at Eventbrite by searching for “Ten Minute Play Festival” or via the event posting on Orange County Arts Council’s Facebook and web pages. Zoom links for the show will be provided upon registration.

   The winning plays and performance schedule will be as follows:

Aug. 7 – “Madera Canyon” by Kathleen Cahill; “Gate D98” by Amanda Samuelson; “Rumor Control” by Michael L. Johnson; “I Think We Need To Have A Meeting” by Lindsey Brown; “Cada Loco” by Carlos Jerome; “Wine and Squeeze” by Pamela Weiler Grayson; “Cool Metal” by Jack Rushton; and “Group Therapy” by Virginia Pellegrino.

  Aug. 8 – “ESP” by John Doble; “Serendipitous” by Lawson Caldwell; “Hong Kong Date Night” by Angela J. Davis; “OMG” by James C. Ferguson; “Rough Waters” by Marj O’Neill-Butler; “Smile on a Mask” by Rex McGregor; “The Other Guy” by Guy R. Newsham; and “Land Ho!” by Jacob Gordner.

  Tickets cost $10. For tickets visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ten-minute-play-festival-tickets-109441342000?aff=ebdssbeac

For more information on Orange County Arts Council, opportunities for artists, memberships and more, visit http://ocartscouncil.org or email info@ocarscouncil.org

TenPlays-300x251 Ten-Minute Play Festival Presented Via Zoom
Photo provided 


The Fourth Annual Ten-Minute Play Festival will be presented live via Zoom.