Digging History!

News & Updates

By Dot Zwerin

Archaeological Team Member


  Welcome to the newest update of the Shingle House Archaeological Team’s experiences. Recently, we found one piece of an “ox shoe.” 

An ox has cloven or split hooves. Unlike a horse’s one-piece shoe, an ox’s shoe has two pieces; each piece is on one side of the split in the hoof. Oxen were important and useful animals to the farmer. Oxen are strong and were used for plowing, hauling large object, or pulling wagons and carts.

  We are always delighted to find an artifact, regardless of its size. It reminds us that the object belonged to someone decades or hundreds of years ago. 

  And we become extremely excited when a coin is found! That find is quite rare and thrilling to all of us. These are the coins we have found so far: a 1753 British half penny, 1779 Spanish dollar, 1800 large USA cent, 1818 large USA cent, 1864 USA Indian head penny, 1911 USA dime, 1907 Indian head penny and a 1918 Lincoln penny. 

We have also found a large USA cent from between 1808 and 1850 in the old kitchen framing, used as a good luck piece. We certainly hope we find a coin this year!

  The team continues to be busy at the site. We are digging with hopes of finding the old well. Excavation has been slow because of the hot weather. We are continually pleased to share our experiences with you. With so much more to share, we will continue the story soon.

  The Shingle House Diggers include George Knight, Alina Badia de Lacour, Vicki Braidotti, Mike Mohyla, Peg Ross, Mike Tulin, Arnold Vila and Dot Zwerin. 


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Photo provided 

The Shingle House Archaeological Team recently a piece of an ox shoe.

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Photo provided 

The Shingle House Archaeological Team have discovered many rare coins.