Warwick Valley Begins Planning for Fall 2020

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The Warwick Valley Central School District wasted no time to begin addressing the myriad questions and challenges that will affect any plans for the opening of the 2020-2021 school year. 

On the heels of a weekend packed with graduation events, the district assembled a task force and held its first meeting Tuesday night, June 30, for a Google Meet. The Reopening Task Force began the process of figuring out what a return to school might look like in the fall, whether it is on campus, off campus, or a combination of in-person and remote learning. 

“The Reopening Task Force has a crucial charge: Decide how best to maintain the health and safety of our students and community, while upholding our high standards for educational excellence,” said Superintendent Dr. David Leach.

It is not known when New York State will provide guidance to school districts, but the group – composed of school staff and community members – has already begun carefully considering factors for a safe reopening in the fall. In addition, there will be complications caused by unknown variables that will require the group to make ongoing, and often unexpected, readjustments.

The task force has gathered a library of resources to inform their planning, including the latest guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), current communications from New York State, and statements and publications from neighboring states. Task force members are presently poring over these resources in preparation for its second meeting next week.

The task force will meet for regular planning sessions throughout the summer. It will monitor the evolving COVID-19 situation and related mandates day to day, while soliciting input from experts and community members as needed to identify and implement its plan for the 2020-2021 school year.  

Warwick-school-seal Warwick Valley Begins Planning for Fall 2020