letter to the editor

Warwick is a Lovely Town that Welcomes People of Any Race

Letters to the Editor News & Updates


  After reading last week’s less than fair and balanced article in the Chronicle about charges of Racism in Warwick, I was upset and saddened that the good people of Warwick are being accused of racism by some of their own neighbors. Warwick is a lovely Town that welcomes people of any race who move here for good schools and open space. 

  My kids and grandkids went to the Warwick schools and classes were always mixed. I never heard any charges of Police Brutality or Coded Micro-Aggressions. And certainly, never heard the appalling suggestion that firetrucks might not show up at a black person’s house!

  Why is it so easy to convince good people that they are bad? That there’s racism under every rock where none exists? That it’s wrong to support firefighters and police, wrong to respect the flag or kneel to God? Wrong to say ALL Lives Matter? When there are both black and white Americans who agree that All Lives DO Matter and we don’t appreciate being pitted against one another. Free Speech protects us all. Use it!

  If we destroy America, “this shining City on a Hill,” the most diverse, successful and free Country in history, there will never be another like it …not ever again.


letter-to-the-editor-300x150 Warwick is a Lovely Town that Welcomes People of Any Race