By Janmarie Foschini
The Greenwood Lake School Board of Education once again held its meeting via Zoom due to the ongoing coronavirus health situation. The meeting, held Tues., July 14, began with the election of board officers.
Susan Selser has been elected to hold the position of President of the Board of Education with Thomas O’Brien as Vice President. Several existing committees were filled by board members, such as the Audit Committee, Facilities Committee, Budget Committee, and Policy Committee. Each committee consists of board members who work together on ways to manage and maintain the school system effectively and positively.
Restarting Greenwood Lake 2020
Superintendent of Schools Sarah Hadden announced that plans to “restart Greenwood Lake 2020” is underway.
Using guidance from the New York State Department of Education (NYS DOE), Greenwood Lake’s proposed plan prioritizes efforts to return all students to in-person instruction, including guidelines for proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as masks, and social distancing. Remote learning may still be necessary at various times during the school year.
The proposed plans also include creating cohorts (fixed groups) of students and reducing classroom sizes to reduce intermingling. Alternative approaches will be developed for vulnerable populations.
Physical and social guidelines include staying six feet apart, altering uses of school spaces for instruction such as outdoor learning, the using the gymnasium as classroom space. The district will offer social and emotional support to students, faculty and staff.
Temperature checks prior to entering the buildings will be conducted for faculty, staff, students and visitors. Daily screening questionnaires will be given to faculty and staff. Masks will be worn in the hallways and can be taken off once the students are sitting at their desk while maintaining social distance.
Social distancing must also be practiced on the school bus. Students will be required to wear a mask while being transported to and from school.
This plan is a work in progress and will be updated as more information and guidance is released from NYS DOE. Families will be kept up to date as the work continues.
Summer Update
Superintendent Hadden briefed the Board on ongoing district programs and projects. Breakfasts and lunches are being provided to families who requested to be part of the program all summer long. Summer projects consisting of renovations in the Elementary and Middle Schools are coming along nicely.
John P. Finn Education Award
The John P. Finn Education Award has been established, funded by the Finn family. Finn, a longtime board member who passed away last September, was honored during the meeting by the members of the Board and Superintendent Hadden. He was a beloved member of the community and dedicated board member who is greatly missed.
The annual award will be given to a graduating student who has overcome some type of challenge or adversity.
“John is terribly missed by all of us, it’s an honor to have this award in his memory. The Finn family thanks the board for renaming the award and honoring John’s legacy,” Superintendent Hadden stated.
Future Board of Education Meetings
Superintendent Hadden proposed moving all future meetings to the Greenwood Lake Middle School when in-person meetings resume. All members of the board were in agreement. The next meeting will take place on Tues., Aug. 11 at 7 p.m. The meeting location will be determined at a later date.