I have a different view in regards to the Pulpit Rock Project being a step up toward “vibrance” for the Town of Warwick. I see a relatively small but beautiful piece of land centered by a majestic monolith of stone off a narrow residential street surrounded by single family homes and bordered by the Wawayanda Creek. This is the same street that many students use to access their schools.
From my front porch, I have witnessed an abundance of “bio diversity,” including deer, fox, beautiful white and red tail Hawks, turkeys, turtles and much more on a regular basis. I do not recall seeing any “soaking with herbicides.”
The first thing I found when researching the history of my property were references to Pulpit Rock. It was often used on old maps as a landmark, as a gathering for Native Americans as well as a place for Religious Services to be held (hence the name). People have enjoyed its beauty throughout generations.
I do not see a demand for a Hotel here in Warwick as there already is one, as well as many Bed and Breakfast and Air BNB accommodations. There are many new hotels also in the Chester and Goshen areas. There is much neighborhood resistance to this project in this location. I believe the right thing to do is to consider another site where it would be more welcome and aesthetically appealing.