Mayor Harter: Please Drive Safely

News & Updates

Hello Florida,

The Village held the first in person board of trustees meeting on July 8 and the turnout both in person and online through zoom was an encouraging thing to see from our community. The turnout was due to a public hearing that is still open and will be continued on August 12 at our next regularly scheduled meeting. 

In this pandemic, with all the restrictions and safety measures in place it was great to see everyone who came to speak as they practiced social distancing and were wearing of masks while in Village Hall and it gave me hope that we will get through this and be able to get back to a sense of normalcy. 

    Throughout the Village speeding continues to be a problem. Many times, when a Village officer pulls over someone for speeding it ends up being a member of our very own community. I urge everyone to slow down, speeding doesn’t just put you at risk but others as well. Children, bicyclists and your very own neighbors use our roads and with all that is going on in the world today a tragedy brought about by unnecessary speeding is something we don’t need. 

Mayor-Harter_2-233x300 Mayor Harter: Please Drive Safely