Hello Florida,
I write this week’s column about what seems to be an annual problem every year, black bears. I noticed on my block last week when I went to pick up my garbage can that at least five neighbors had their garbage scattered upon the lawn. I encourage anyone who has had an issue to go to the NYS DEC avoiding human/bear conflicts webpage. It offers guidelines to follow that will help keep our wild neighbors from getting into any more trouble.
As we spend more time outside in the coming weeks with the warmer weather, we may come across young animals such as a deer fawn or a rabbit nest in our yard. They may seem like they are abandoned, but please do not pick up or handle them. Mom is not far away she will return for them. Leaving young animals alone is the best thing you can do to help. Florida is a great place to live and interact with the outdoors. We have a unique mixture of a suburban setting with rural and wild spaces right next door.
The above column, written by Village of Florida Mayor Daniel Harter, Jr., has been published in the May 6 issue of the Warwick Valley Dispatch.