Little Free Library COVID-19

Florida Little Free Library

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      Got books? Little Free Libraries do and five of them are located in the Town of Warwick. According to the Little Free Library website there is one in the Village of Warwick, one in the Town, two in the hamlet of Pine Island and one in the Village of Florida.

      The Little Free Library movement prompts individuals and community organizations to install small book depositories with books free for the public to take with the motto “Take a book, leave a book.” Some Little Free Librairies are little more than a couple shelves protected from the weather. Others are wildly extravagant and custom, colorful creations dedicated to a theme, genre or historical building and constructed with loving detail. Registered and recognized Little Free Libraries can be found on the official website’s global map along with their latitude and longitude and information on their registered stewards. Little Free Libraries are helping to minimize the pain that readers of all ages are feeling now that public libraries are closed due to the Covid-19 coronavirus.

      The Little Free Library in the Village of Florida is located at Roe Brothers, Inc. at 65 Maple Ave. and is the only area Little Free Library installed and maintained by a public library. Since 2016, the Florida Public Library, in partnership with Roe Brothers, a family-owned hardware and lumber business, has stocked and maintained the library on the store’s front porch.

      The library was designed and built by the FPL Tween Club under the supervision of adult volunteers and was installed in time for Roe Brother’s 130th anniversary. Its design echoes the store’s renovated board and batten architecture and features a copper roof made by Roe descendant Tim Bieling, one of the current owners of the store. Two comfortable rocking chairs bracket the library on the store’s front porch and the free selection of books is available 24/7 in a central village location handy for walkers and drivers.

      Florida Public Library circulation supervisor, Ashley Baroch has been stocking the library’s miniature location regularly with books for all ages due to the current high demand. Since Governor Cuomo’s stay-at-home order in mid-March, Baroch has refilled the Little Free Library seven times with freshly cleaned books.

      Although the Little Free Library motto usually invites donations, she asks that during these days of quarantine, the motto be changed to “Take a book, leave none.” Due to the cancellation of the April and May Friends of the FPL used book sales, the library has an abundance of donated books in good condition to share and is not taking book donations during the closure. Baroch promises to keep the Little Free Library full with a variety of good choices. For desperate readers in search of their favorite author or genre, Ashley will try to find the perfect book and leave it for you. You can reach her by emailing or by leaving a message at 651-7659.

      Patrons already visiting the Florida Public Library’s Little Free Library at Roe Brothers are asked to reach out and let FPL know.  Email pictures to or tag Florida Public Library on Facebook and/or Instagram posts.

      For additional information contact Meg Sgombick at