No Recommendation for G.L. Drawdown

Local News News & Updates

      At its teleconferenced meeting on Wed., Apr. 1, the Greenwood Lake Commission voted on a scheduled 2020-21 lake drawdown. In voting on three different drawdown proposals, where none received the required eight votes to pass, there will be no recommendation to the NJDEP this year. However, the final drawdown decision will be made by the NJDEP.

      Several Commissioners had concerns regarding the economic condition of lake businesses after last years’ Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) issues on Greenwood Lake and several lakes throughout New Jersey and New York.  Additionally, concerns with the ongoing coronavirus situation, the unknown HABs conditions for this season, and the Governor’s veto of the Commission’s annual funding take precedence over bulkhead and dock repairs.  The Commission would like to have the drawdown in 2021-22, if the NJDEP doesn’t approve a drawdown for this year.

      The Commission also discussed the financing of several lake projects for the East and West arms in New York, with a cost of $15,000 to 20,000. A vote on these projects in planned for the next meeting.

      The next teleconference meeting of the Greenwood Lake Commission will be held on Wed., Apr. 22 at 7 p.m. Visit for information on registering for this meeting.

GWL No Recommendation  for G.L. Drawdown