We understand this disruption of normal service may be an inconvenience, but this is a serious health crisis and community spread is the only way to end this. Most services you need including forms, permits etc. can be downloaded from www.townofwarwick.org and left in a box in the lobby of Town Hall. They will be processed quickly, and you will get a response. All departments are monitoring emails and phones so you will get a returned call or message, and you will be served; it will just be in a prudent manner that complies with the Governor’s executive order. Thank you for understanding.
As of Thurs., Mar. 19, Town Hall offices are closed to the public. The lobby will remain open with drop boxes to leave forms, water and sewer bills, Building Department applications, etc. Phone numbers/emails are posted so we can provide services during this disruption. Most forms and applications are online at www.townofwarwick.org.
Arrangements will be made via phone or email for each department to attend to your critical needs throughout this limited access period.
Town Supervisor: 986-1120, press 5; msweeton@townofwarwick.org.
Town Clerk: 986-1124, press 1; clerk@townofwarwick.org.
Building Department: 986-1127, press 7; building@townofwarwick.org.
Tax Department: 982-1125 press 2.
Assessor: 986-1123, press 6; assessor@townofwarwick.org.
DPW: 986-3358; dpw@townofwarwick.org
Court: 986-1128, press 8; lmurtie@nycourts.gov, lmosher@nycourts.gov
Police Department: 986-5000.
Please visit www.townofwarwick.org for updates regarding Covid-19 (Coronavirus).
It’s the perfect time to file your Census 2020 answers online. You should have or will have shortly received a mailer with your code to log in and answer a few questions. It takes only a few minutes and is vital since it determines our share of Federal aid, Federal and State representation, as well as the Town’s share of the County sales tax.
The next regular meeting of the Town Board will be held on Thurs., Mar. 26 at 7:30 p.m. in the Warwick Town Hall, located at 132 Kings Hwy. in Warwick. This meeting will not be open to the public, however, it will be televised live on channel 21.
The above column, written by Warwick Town Supervisor Michael Sweeton, has been published in the Mar. 25 issue of the Warwick Valley Dispatch.