Spring Events in the Village of Warwick

Local News News & Updates

Story by Katie Bisaro

      Back by popular demand, the reuse and recycle event, Too Good To Toss, sponsored by Wickham Works, Inc., will return to the Village of Warwick in April. The Village Board of Trustees approved the dates for the event at their regular Board of Trustees meeting on Mon., Mar. 2.

      Too Good To Toss organizers will be using Stanley-Deming Park beginning at 1 p.m. on Fri., Apr. 24 for set-up of the event. Residents will be invited to drop off gently used items, from a list approved by the Village DPW, on Sat., Apr. 25 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. The public will be invited to “shop” for free on Sun., Apr. 26 from  10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

      The Village of Warwick will contribute just over $1,800 for tents, tables and chairs for the weekend-long event, which equates to half the cost for those rentals. The Town of Warwick will contribute the other half of the funds needed. The Village will also provide traffic cones, reflective safety vests for volunteers and trash receptacles.

Request for Promotional Funding

      The Mayor and Village Board discussed a request from the Earth Fest Warwick organizers (an interactive, upcycled art event that runs in conjunction with Too Good To Toss) for promotional funding for the event.

      According to a letter from the organizers, the request for funding, not to exceed $1,500, would cover promotional costs for posters, lawn signs, banners, newspaper ads and honoraria for artists. This funding was not included in the Village’s budget for this fiscal year.

      Earth Fest representative Melissa Shaw-Smith spoke to the Board during their discussion, pointing out that the event is community-wide and includes the schools and library in its scope. Furthermore, according to Shaw-Smith, the event needs local support in order to grow and that the event “brings value to the community.”

      The Village Board declined to approve promotional funding for this event at this time as it was not in the budget and there were also concerns that it was a “slippery slope” in terms of requests for funding for the many events that take place in the Village of Warwick.

Summer Rec. Staff Applications Being Accepted

      The Board announced that applications for Summer Recreation staff, including camp staff and instructors, will be taken until Fri., Mar. 27. Applications are available on the Village’s website at www.villageofwarwick.org.

Community Showcase in May

      The Warwick Valley Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual Warwick Community Showcase on Sat., May 2 (rain date of Sun., May 3) throughout the business district of the Village of Warwick. The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

      Railroad Ave. will be closed for the Community Showcase starting at 8 a.m. to facilitate set-up for the event and will reopen at 5 p.m. after clean-up. Additionally, there will be no parking along both sides of Main St. from Riehle Opticians (next to the Post Office) down to Oakland Ave. where it meets Railroad Ave. during the event.

Memorial Day Parade

      The annual Memorial Day Parade, sponsored by the Nicholas P. Lesando, Jr. American Legion Post #214, will take place on Mon., May 25 beginning at 11 a.m.

      The parade will step off from Village Hall and proceed down Main St. and Oakland Ave. to the Warwick Cemetery for the first ceremony. The parade will then continue from the Warwick Cemetery to the St. Stephen’s Cemetery on Galloway Rd. and then finally down Forester Ave. to Veterans Memorial Park and a ceremony at the Fireman’s Monument.

Next Meeting

      The next Board meeting will take place on Mon., Mar. 16, 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall located at 77 Main St. in Warwick. A work session will take place prior to the regular board meeting beginning at 7 p.m.

villageseal-300x245 Spring Events in the Village of Warwick