Mayor Dwyer: Baseball & Softball Signups!

Local News News & Updates

     Girls softball signups will be at Village Hall this Sat., Jan. 18 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The cost is $45 for grades K-9.

     Little League information posted by incoming Little League President Jim Cicchetti reads, “Registration for the 2020 spring season will open on Fri., Jan. 10. You can register online only at This is the league’s new website, and everyone will need to create an account for the site (one account per family). Once you log in, you will be able to register players, volunteer to coach, and pay. The prices are on the site and have remained the same as last year. Every family will pay the $75 work bond on the site as well. You will be given a check for the work bond after you complete your stand duty.
Please, if you have any problems, reach out to Jim Cicchetti at 784-6380.

     Anyone looking to coach must go on the website and fill out the volunteer form under registration info. On Mon., Jan. 20 at 7 p.m., there will be an open membership meeting. All are welcomed and encouraged to come, and it is mandatory for anyone looking to coach this season. We will discuss the up-coming season, new website, and try to answer any and all questions. Please, take a look at the new website, and I hope to see everyone on the 20th.

The above column, written by Village of Greenwood Lake Mayor Jesse Dwyer, has been published in the Jan. 15 issue of the Warwick Valley Dispatch.

Mayor-Column-Pic_Dwyer-web-232x300 Mayor Dwyer: Baseball & Softball Signups!