Pulpit Rock

Public Scoping Session For Pulpit Rock Inn

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      The Town of Warwick Planning Board, as Lead Agency, is reviewing an application from NADA LLC for a proposed inn on West St. Ext. near the Village of Warwick.

      The Pulpit Rock Inn proposal includes the following site development activities: a 7,853 sq. ft. hotel with 62 rooms; six cottages consisting of 2,236 sq. ft. and eight units in each structure for an additional 48 overnight units and an additional 13,416 sq. ft.; an outdoor pool; parking for an initial 94 cars and potentially 120 spaces in total. The proposed development project will be served by a sewage treatment facility, an individual well, and stormwater management facilities.

      The site consists of former farmland and contains freshwater wetlands, forested areas, and the Wawayanda Creek, a class “C (T)” State protected stream. The site is within the Town of Warwick’s Suburban Residential Low Density (SL) Zoning District as well as the Town’s Aquifer Protection (AQ-O) and Biodiversity Conservation Overlay (BC-O) districts. The site is also within the Town’s Traditional Neighborhood Overlay (TN-O) Zoning District but the provisions of this Zoning District do not apply to the action.

      The Planning Board has required the applicant to prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) to address potential environmental impacts of the project.  Involved and Interested Agencies, residents and other members of the public are invited to participate in defining the scope (or contents) of the DEIS reflecting their concerns and information needs.

      The Planning Board will hold a public scoping session on Wed., Dec. 18, at 7:30 p.m. at the Warwick Town Hall, 132 Kings Hwy. in Warwick. The applicant has prepared a Draft Scoping Document that outlines the areas they have proposed for study in the DEIS.  This document is available in the Planning Department at Town Hall for review or reproduction at 25¢ per page.  The document is also available at the Wisner Library for viewing. An electronic version of the Draft Scoping Document is available on the Internet for viewing, downloading, or printing at http://www.townofwarwick.org.

      Written comments on the Draft Scoping Document are welcomed.  Persons attending the public scoping session will have an opportunity to speak to make their scoping suggestions known.  The period for submitting written comments on the scope of the DEIS will close on Thurs., Jan. 2, 2020. Comments should be submitted by that date to Connie Sardo, Town of Warwick Planning Board, 132 Kings Highway, Warwick, NY 10990.  Afterwards, the Planning Board will issue a Final Scoping Document.

Pulpit-Rock-300x223 Public Scoping Session For Pulpit Rock Inn
Pulpit Rock is located on property off of West St. in Warwick. Dispatch photo file/Lourice Angie