Mayor Dwyer: The Cold Weather is Setting In

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      As winter seems to be skipping fall this year, we must be reminded of a few safety measures in the community. It is critical that we check on neighbors, friends and most importantly the elderly to ensure proper home heating measures are being taken. Make sure there is no clutter, clothing or combustibles near any heat sources. It is dangerous to use improper or damaged extension cords to run portable or electric heating devices. Make sure smokestacks, vent pipes and flues are properly installed and connected as well as checking to make sure chimneys have been cleaned within recent years. A nice idea for some of our local Scouts – see if any of your neighbors need their wood stacked. Snow will be here before we know it!

The above column, written by Village of Greenwood Lake Mayor Jesse Dwyer, has been published in the Nov. 13 issue of the Warwick Valley Dispatch.

Mayor-Column-Pic_Dwyer-web-232x300 Mayor Dwyer: The Cold Weather is Setting In