
Annual Brick House Thanksgiving Tours

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     The Friends of Hill Hold and Brick House Museums will offer their annual “Brick House Thanksgiving Tours” on Sat., Nov. 16 from 12 to 4 p.m. at the Brick House Museum at 850 17K in Montgomery, NY.

     The original carriage road will lead visitors to the homestead built in 1768 by Nathaniel Hill. The elegant Georgian style house and its adjoining farmland were passed down from father to son for 200 years.  The house reflects seven generations of furnishings ranging from Chippendale to Victorian. The rooms will be decorated with autumnal arrangements and the dining room will be set for a sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner.  Cider and cookies will be served in the original down stair kitchen.

     Admission is $2 per child and $3 per adult.  For more information, contact Orange County Parks at 615-3830, or visit